News Feb 17, 2021

Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation Accepts State Award for Antibiotic Safety

Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation Antibiotics Aware Award

“This award represents the unwavering commitment of our pharmacy, infection control and medical teams to the safe and effective use of antibiotics in treating our patients,” said Sue Kida, Kessler Institute president.

The unique NJDOH program acknowledges health care facilities and physician practices that demonstrate, through written documentation, that they have met or exceeded the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Core Elements of Antimicrobial Stewardship. Among the criteria are hospital leadership, accountability, pharmacy expertise, education and action, tracking, reporting metrics.

Led by Kessler Institute pharmacists Danielle Ancheta, Sang Kim and Sarah Williams, this collaborative team initiative measures and monitors how, when and why antibiotics are prescribed and the outcomes achieved.

“Stewardship, by definition, is the responsible management of something entrusted to our care,” said Dr. Monifa Brooks, senior medical officer, “and, in this case, we are managing our patients’ health and well-being by effectively treating infections, protecting individuals from harms caused by unnecessary antibiotic use and combatting drug resistance.”