Cedric's story

Black man wearing red robe and standing at a small altar preaching.

“I not only learned the special cardiac and sternal precautions I needed to follow, but also developed the skills I needed to move about safely. Most important, I learned how to better manage my blood pressure and monitor my health going forward.”


Timing is everything

Cedric McKoy believes timing is everything. He was undergoing a series of routine tests when doctors discovered that the valve in his heart — which had been repaired during surgery for an aortic aneurysm five years earlier — was not functioning properly.

“I was surprised. I didn’t have any symptoms — no shortness of breath, no fatigue, no pain or swelling. But I knew this could lead to more serious problems, including a heart attack. I was grateful my doctors found the problem... but, to be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to another operation.”

Cedric underwent complex cardiac surgery at Valley Hospital that included replacement of his aortic valve and repair of the mitral valve. The extensive procedures left him drained. He chose to come to Kessler Institute to regain his strength and speed the healing process.

Working closely with Kessler’s cardiac recovery team, Cedric received the dedicated medical and nursing care along with the physical and occupational therapies he needed to get back on his feet and home to his young family. “I not only learned the special cardiac and sternal precautions I needed to follow, but also developed the skills I needed to move about safely. Most important, I learned how to better manage my blood pressure and monitor my health going forward.”

Cedric, who works in a local school system and as a pastor in his church, relied on the support of his family, community and congregation. His experience, he says, brings to mind one of his favorite Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart.”