Devante's story

“If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.”
Setbacks as a springboard to move forward
“A superhuman heart beats in me.” That’s a line from a song by Chris Brown, Devante Foxworth’s favorite artist – a line that easily could have been written about Devante and the inner strength and courage he has shown.
Devante doesn’t remember much about the motor vehicle accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury; subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages (brain bleeds); fractures to his face, pelvis and both legs; and internal injuries. He underwent multiple surgeries at St. Joseph’s Medical Center, including the below knee amputation of his right leg. And he developed an ischemic optic neuropathy that caused a complete loss of vision.
A standout athlete in high school, Devante has always pushed himself to run faster, jump higher and stay focused on his goals. His injuries didn’t change that; his confidence and competitive spirit still drive him to achieve all that he can.
“If you believe in yourself, you can do anything. And if you have a setback, use it as a springboard to move forward.”