Eli's story

Eli Berkowitz is a born and bred New Yorker. He transformed a passion for photography into a career that eventually led him to South Jersey, where he opened two photography studios. In turn, he soon began working with celebrity clients, he traveled the world and captured many wonderful events.
He recently semi-retired to work with a snack company. Eli went to work one day with no idea that he’d spend the next five months in the hospital.
At work, Eli fell from his truck.
He sustained multiple life-threatening and traumatic injuries, including collapsed lungs, bleeding around the brain, multiple fractures and a separated shoulder. He required a ventilator and feeding tube so that his body could heal and remained at Penn Presbyterian for 84 days.
Once he was medically stable, his physicians recommended an intensive inpatient rehabilitation program to help him regain mobility and independence. He and his wife, Barbara, chose Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation for the next step in his recovery.
When Eli arrived at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation - Marlton, he could hardly move from his bed, was unable to walk, unable to speak and still required a feeding tube for nutrition and a tracheostomy tube to help with breathing. His physician-led team of therapists worked closely together to provide Eli with a treatment plan that would help him meet his goal of rebuilding his strength and regaining his independence.
To start, Eli’s physical therapists worked with him to increase his strength and endurance. He was only able to walk seven feet on admission with maximum assistance, but with hard work, was soon able to walk 150 feet with a walker.
“My advice is - do what the therapists tell you to do,” he said.
With the help of occupational therapists, Eli learned to dress himself in a seated position and use the restroom independently. His speech therapist helped him learn to swallow again and speak again using a speaking valve on his trach tube.
Eli made tremendous strides towards recovery and is now able to talk, eat, walk with a walker and participate in his daily self-care tasks.
Eli shared that trusting that the team is doing exactly what you need to improve and meet your goals is key.
But his accomplishments weren’t limited to therapy during his time at KIR Marlton. As a member of the Free Masons, Eli was chosen as “Grand Photographer” for the state of New Jersey. Because he was unable to leave Kessler for the ceremony, members of the Free Masons joined the staff at the hospital to help Eli celebrate this accomplishment. Contagious smiles were everywhere.
While recounting his experience, Eli was grateful, especially for Barbara.
“I also got tremendous support from my wife,” said Eli. “If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here.”
Barbara attended multiple therapy sessions that focused on caregiver training to make sure she was prepared to help Eli when he returned home.
Barbara also shared her thanks for the care and support Eli had while at KIR – Marlton.
“I am grateful for all the help he has gotten,” she said. “He has come a long way.”