George's story

George Hart woke up with unusual sensations in his arm. He thought he may have just slept on it wrong and went about his morning. As he drove to work he noticed that the symptoms were getting worse. He returned home where he wife called 911.
He was taken to Cooper Hospital where he had CT scans, an MRI and an echocardiogram. Doctors discovered he had a stroke that caused left hemiparesis, which made it difficult to use the left side of his body. George was having difficulty balancing, walking and moving his left arm.
After George was medically stable, he transferred to Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation (KIR) - Marlton for the next phase of his treatment. Recovering from a stroke may be one of the greatest challenges a person will ever face.
Indeed, upon admission, George required significant help walking, standing, moving from one place to another and doing everyday tasks. He also had significant balance issues. Kessler’s physician-led rehabilitation team worked with George to put a treatment plan in place.
George’s goals were to relearn to walk and use his left arm. He had to cancel a cruise due to the stroke and was determined to be able to reschedule it in the next year.
An engineer by profession, George is a husband, model train enthusiast and enjoys going to casinos and traveling. These passions fueled his motivation during rehabilitation. George enjoyed using the Andago, a gait-training tool that aided in his walking rehabilitation.
George’s recovery wasn't just physical; it was an emotional and mental battle too. Speaking from experience, he offered advice for others facing similar challenges: “You’re going to be frustrated, you’re going to be depressed, you’re going to be angry, but you need to turn that back to your therapy, you’re a part of a team.”
Speaking of the team, George really appreciated the support of all his therapists. “They rejoice as much in your accomplishments as you do,” he said.
By the end of his stay at KIR - Marlton, George had made a lot of progress. He was walking with the aid of a walker and performing daily living activities with supervision.
George said he was looking forward to getting back to work and he was especially looking forward to rescheduling his cruise.
George continued to aim for a full recovery beginning with home therapy, followed by outpatient therapy.